Mission Formosa

Giuseppe Bassi double bass
Shen Yu Su tenor sax
YuYing Hsu piano
Kuan Liang Lin drums
Gaetano Partipilo alto sax
Francesco Lento trumpet

Mission Formosa is a band composed by Italian and Taiwanese musicians friends.

They play the music composed occasionally to tell the story of the “Beauty of their countries”.

Mission Formosa plays the original and traditional music of the island and love songs inspired by all this beauty.

Mission Formosa
AlfaMusic, 2015

Music composed by:

Giuseppe Bassi (2, 5, 10)
YuYing Hsu & Giuseppe Bassi (1, 3, 9, 12)
Shen Yu Su & Giuseppe Bassi (7, 8)
Kuan Liang Lin & Giuseppe Bassi (4)
Tai Xiang Li (6) arranged by YuWen Peng
Ellis Marsalis (11)

Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae) except (2) Crepuscule Ed. Musc, (6) and (11)

Music composed by:

Giuseppe Bassi (2, 5, 10)
YuYing Hsu & Giuseppe Bassi (1, 3, 9, 12)
Shen Yu Su & Giuseppe Bassi (7, 8)
Kuan Liang Lin & Giuseppe Bassi (4)
Tai Xiang Li (6) arranged by YuWen Peng
Ellis Marsalis (11)

Publishing: AlfaMusic Studio (Siae) except (2) Crepuscule Ed. Musc, (6) and (11)
